Expeditions Unlimited is Secret Planet's high altitude and polar expeditions activity.
We have always been passionate about committed exploration and since 2011, with Expeditions Unlimited, we have patiently developed our proposals for polar expeditions and high altitude climbs. We are attached to the human dimension of exploration as much as to the physical and mental challenge it poses.
From the fourteen 8000s to the poles, from the high altitude mountains to the ice caps, our offer projects us into the universe of the few most recognized global operators and certainly the only French-speaking operator.
We approach this responsibility with pride, respect and humility: excellence of our guides and expedition leaders, theoretical and practical preparation of our participants, quality of collective and individual equipment, medical briefings and hotlines, weather routing, live monitoring and communication…
On a few rare initiatives, often once per decade, sometimes world firsts, as far as our collective memory allows us to say, we offer expeditions in the jungles, in the deserts or on the oceans.
We make extraordinary expeditions accessible to enthusiasts. We guide them to complete the journey of their life.
Building on our extensive experience from some fifty expeditions, we group and coordinate expertise and skills to help you plan and accomplish your expedition. We are fully committed by your side and by your expedition leader.
To tackle an expedition safely and in full peace of mind, you must be physically and technically prepared. We are there to build with you your progression program. Before your departure, we offer theoretical, hands-on, and medical preparation with your guide and the other participants.
An expedition’s success depends on the right decision being made at the right time. We choose the most experienced expedition leaders and select the local team ourselves. Our expedition gear and material are of the highest quality. We use the services of top-notch weather forecasting and medical experts.

We are passionate about challenging expeditions
Between us, we have summited many 7,000 to 8,000 meter peaks, reached the Poles from the pack ice from the coast (South Pole) and the continent (North Pole), and crossed ice caps, tropical forests and whole continents.

We set up top quality teams
Our expedition leaders are among the best in the world for the project in question. Such expertise guarantees serious preparation beforehand, followed by rigorous application on the ground, ensuring the right decision is made at the right time.

Your safety above all else
Our expeditions take place in wild, extreme environments. This requires small groups, quality gear and material, and operational choices that place your safety above all else.

Some 400 programs, often unprecedented, treks, crossings and expeditions and adventure journeys to discover traditional peoples, during festivals and celebrations. Our experts will share their enthusiasm and their unique knowledge with you.

Alongside committed experts who share their passion for wildlife and biodiversity with you, enter into the very heart of nature on our planet for an emotion-packed journey of discovery and observation of the natural world.

Guided by recognized, communicative specialists, we propose beginners and advanced training courses to help you progress and turn your dreams into reality, both safely and in full peace of mind: mountaineering, polar, first-aid, etc.